Maintenance of machinery, equipment and technical systems
Maintenance serves to keep machines and plants in working order. The Menger Group summarizes everything important about maintenance for you.

Maintain and restore the target state

Maintenance serves to keep machines and plants functional and free of damage and malfunctions for as long as possible. The Menger Group has compiled a lot of interesting information about maintenance for you: From an overview of the types of maintenance and which measures are included, to an outlook on the future of maintenance.
Modern maintenance detects and eliminates damage at an early stage
The term “maintenance”, sometimes also referred to in English as “servicing”, covers all measures that serve to maintain or restore the target condition of a machine, plant or other technical system. On the one hand, this includes preventive measures such as inspection and maintenance, which make it possible to detect wear and tear as well as damage to components even before failures occur. On the other hand, maintenance includes corrective measures such as repair and overhaul, which rectify any damage detected and thus restore the system to its target state. Finally, maintenance also includes improvements that optimize the functional reliability of a system.
Today, maintenance is already increasingly characterized by digitalization. In many cases, sensors continuously provide measurement data on the condition of machines and systems, which are evaluated by software. A connection to document management systems, in which all important documents relating to the machines and systems, including the system documentation and technical documentation, are stored, enables this software to identify anomalies and send a message to the employees in the maintenance department or even independently initiate appropriate countermeasures. In this way, maintenance makes a valuable contribution to quality assurance in the company.
You can find out more about the definition of maintenance and the different types, such as corrective and preventive maintenance, in our encyclopedia article “Maintenance: What is it?”
We support you in optimizing your maintenance

Do you want to make maintenance in your company more efficient and cost-effective? In our magazine articles, you can find out more about how the right software solutions can help you achieve this.
The importance of maintenance: So that machines and plants run
smoothly for a long time.
Find out more about which measures count as maintenance according to applicable standards and which work steps and tasks belong to it in each case as examples.
Maintenance controlling: Planning and controlling maintenance
We explain how computer-aided maintenance management supports you in selecting suitable maintenance measures and controlling their effectiveness.
Software solutions for maintenance: How maintenance becomes more
efficient and less expensive
We explain how custom-fit software optimizes maintenance in your company and how you can find the software solution that exactly fits your requirements.
Maintenance of the future: How digitization and outsourcing are
changing maintenance
We present current trends for optimizing maintenance and venture an outlook on maintenance in Industry 4.0.
The experts of the Menger Group support you in setting up a modern maintenance management. After all, we know exactly what matters. We help our customers to select the appropriate software for planning and controlling maintenance intervals. Of course, we also help to tailor the software precisely to your plants. Just contact us! Together we will determine the requirements and get started with the implementation!