Technical plant documentation
Technical plant documentation / Technical installation documentation
Lawmakers have enforced tighter legislation for the liability of planners, manufacturers and operators over recent years. Thus, the documentation for technical installations and the organization of them over an entire life cycle (from planning to dismantling) has gained special importance.
The organization-proof, court-proof and legally compliant documentation is proof of all measures taken and carried out. The comprehensive and transparent history of changes to the plant must also be evident in the documentation and reflect the current state of the plant. The documentation of the current situation in the plant is also part of this well-organized documentation.
This documentation will serve you (the plant operator) as a source of all kinds of information.
For example information about:
- the technical structure and equipment of the plant
- the operation and maintenance of the plant
- the assessment of systems and components of the plant
- the quality of the systems, subsystems and components of the plant

Your situation: when can we help you?
- your documentation is not up-to-date with the current state of your plant,
- your documentation has gaps in it,
- the current state of the plant does not correspond to its documented state,
- historical changes are not transparent,
- plant components cannot be clearly assigned or identified,
we will support you with our services surrounding technical plant documentation.
This also applies if you want to use plant data to handle your business processes:
- to record disturbances and events,
- to handle recurrent tasks,
- to review and process work orders,
- to determine activations,
- to harmonise work orders.
We also see ourselves as experts in change management for the history of functional locations and your technical documentation.
Our solutions – How can we help you?
In order to be able to carry out an optimization based on the status quo, we first have to analyze your existing documentation. After that we will assess and describe how it has been ordered in reality to the state of your plant.
In the next step, we will label all of your plant components and documents. We use recognized keys and assign your documents to individual components.
Finally, the documents are registered and additional features are recorded in data processing systems.

Your advantages – How can you benefit from our work?
A comprehensive and organization-compliant as well as legally compliant technical plant documentation/ technical installation documentation gives you the peace of mind that you are following the requirements of the legislator.
You will minimize your product liability risk significantly and, in the event of a problem, you will have properly documented records to help you exclude organisational culpability.
Furthermore, you will meet the requirements of the Industrial Safety Ordinance.
We achieve this with:
- valid plant data relating to a functional location
- Time savings through faster retrieval.
- Handling confidence for all plant processes and incidents
- Clarity about defined ways of handling for all employees
- Clear revisions and working standards
Continuous data management for power plants
At Menger Engineering GmbH we process data and documents for a continuous data management for power plants. In this data management, the electronic object relationships between the KKS and RDS-PP label as a central identification system and the necessary documents as well as the technical data (component data) are produced.
Our approach involves:
- The preparation of plans (plant diagram) as a data source
- The establishment of a central KKS database
- Text classification
- KKS as a „functional location” for SAP
- The development of a structure with levels
- Text assignment to the Identification System for Power Stations (KKS)
- The assignment of technical documentation to the KKS – Identification System for Power Stations (optional)
- The adoption of technical data (optional)
- On-the-spot inspection (optional).
- Transfer to SAP
If you are planning a new development project, the approach is of course different to the one for existing plants. In this case, we clarify the following topics beforehand:
1. When are documents passed on to suppliers?
- P&I diagrams and one way circuit diagrams
- Lists of individual components
- Text lists for components
- Maintenance lists for systems, subsystems and components
2. How will this data be delivered?
Documents are usually delivered in paper form, as a PDF file and only in the best case as a CAD file. However, the quality of the delivery significantly influences the data management effort. The better the data is digitized, the lower the effort.
3. Which technical data are relevant for the operation?
At this point we determine which technical data and which maintenance data are to be adopted for which types of components.
Advantages from savings as a result of a modern data management in your firm
By processing the various sources in modern data management, access times to information are reduced. In short: they are faster and work more cost-effectively.
The legally compliant nature of your documentation gives you greater confidence when making decisions. In short: you can rely on your documentation.
By recording histories, you can follow the conditions at any point in time. In short: you have greater planning security. For example with revisions.
Furthermore, with an optimally documented facility you will improve occupational safety and operational safety.
How modern data management can affect your costs
Modern data management in an operational management or maintenance system can generate annual savings of up to EUR 100,000 per year. We calculated this in 2008 using the case of a waste incineration plant.

Document management
Document management embodies the preparation of technical plant documentation / technical installation documentation in conjunction with a modern identification system.
The goal: To keep access times to documents as low as possible.
Why? Documents on industrial facilities and power plants contain essential information about the technical installation and should therefore be constantly accessible for the operating personnel.
The documentation includes various documents that need to be provided to operate, conduct maintenance work, service or dismantle an industrial facility or a power plant.
This includes the following documentation sections:
- Test, verification and quality documentation
- Technical operational documentation
- Plant documentation and maintenance documentation
The contents of the sections of the technical documentation are specified in the guideline R 171 of VGB PowerTech by information needs lists. These are specified within the framework for the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, control technology and construction engineering from the system / subsystem to the level of the operating material. Information needs lists / document needs lists comprise of the definitions of the individual document types for the respective systems, subsystems and equipment of a technical facility.