In-situ plant inspection
What is in-situ plant inspection?
In-situ plant inspection entails drawing up a record of all of those components that belong to a process engineering or electrical engineering process and/or comparing the documentation with the „as-built“ condition of the plant.

When is it time for an in-situ plant inspection?
How up to date is your documentation regarding the as-built condition of your plant?
If you are not able to provide a straight answer to this question, then the documentation should be checked in an in-situ plant inspection. In particular, if you want to „feed“ plant data into various organization systems for process control, it is necessary to guarantee the as-built condition!
How do we inspect your plant?
In the event of an in-situ plant inspection, our employees will visit your plant directly. The first step of an in-situ inspection is to obtain all of those documents required for inspecting functions relating to the plant. Based on these documents, the plant is inspected system by system in a traditional way using pen and paper and changes are incorporated into the relevant documents. In the event of missing documents, the respective system is completely recorded as new. Additional information about certain points (text, place, manufacturer, etc.) is recorded using a Tablet application specifically designed for this purpose.

What are the advantages of an in-situ plant inspection?
The result of an in-situ plant inspection is “as-built documentation.” With this, you, as the operating company, can rest assured after an in-situ inspection, that your documentation corresponds 100% to the current state of the plant. Further steps for the preparation of data and documents in diverse forms of organizational systems can thus be taken into consideration and implemented without any problems.