Identification System for Power Stations KKS
The Identification System for Power Stations (KKS) is a system for identifying plants, systems, subsystems, equipment items, electrical and I&C cabinets, as well as buildings and rooms, depending on the perspective of the power plant operators. The application of this identification system is specified and regulated by the guidelines of VGB PowerTech e.V.
For identification with KKS a 15 to 17-character combination of letters and numerals is used. The letters used serve the purpose of classifying systems and units within the power plant. The numerals used are for numbering.
The KKS system also forms the basis for reliable plant documentation.
The Identification System for Power Stations (KKS) distinguishes between three types of identification:
- Process-related identification: to identify systems and equipment items in the power plant process.
- Point of installation identification: to identify points and positions of installation within electrical engineering and I&C engineering systems.
- Location identification: to identify structures (buildings) and rooms.

Nummer der Gliederungsstufen | Vorzeichen | Gliederungsstufe 0 | Gliederungsstufe 1 | Gliederungszeichen | Gliederungsstufe 2 | Gliederungsstufe 3 |
Verfahrenstechn. Kennzeichnung | = | Gesamtanlage | Funktionsstufe | Aggregatstufe | Aggregatklassifizierung | |
Einbauort Kennzeichnung | + | Gesamtanlage | Einbaueinheit | • | Einbauplatz | |
Aufstellungsort Kennzeichnung | + | Gesamtanlage | Gebäudekennzeichnung | Raumkennzeichnung |
Identification according to the Identification System for Power Stations (KKS) is organised into four alphanumerical breakdown levels / designation blocks 0 to 3.
The further right, the more detailed the breakdown level / the designation block.
In this example you can see how identification is organised according to KKS in the sense of process-related identification. It can however also be organised around the point of installation or the location.
For illustration, we use A for letters and N for numerals. A space marks the room between several designation blocks.

Nummer der Gliederungsstufen | Gliederungsstufe 0 | Gliederungsstufe 1 | Gliederungsstufe 2 | Gliederungsstufe 3 |
Bezeichnung der Datenstelle | G | F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 FN | A1 A2 A3 AN | B1 B2 BN |
Art der Datenstelle | A/N | (N) A A A N N | A A N N N (A) | A A N N |
The breakdown levels of the Identification System (KKS)
Breakdown level 0 / Designation block 0 of KKS: Entire plant
This breakdown level is used to describe the entire plant within the identification system. It serves to number or identify the power plant unit. For this purpose a number or a letter can be used.
The breakdown level / designation block 0 of the Identification System for Power Stations (KKS) is the sign of the process-related identification.
Breakdown level 1 / Designation block 1 of KKS: Function or system identification
The subsequent breakdown level / designation block with the number 1 identifies systems, subsystems and functions within a power plant unit.
For this three letters (the system classification), two numbers (the system numbering) and an optional leading digit (the leading digit of the system identification) are used.
The systems within power plants are represented by letters and are assigned using a key procedure:
- First letter: Main systems or main groups
- Subsequent letters: Subdivision into sub-groups
This is followed by two numerals for the system numbering.
Breakdown level 2 / Designation block 2 of KKS: Equipment unit designation
Here the equipment units within the subgroup are identified. For this purpose two letters (equipment unit classification) and three numbers (equipment unit numbering) are used.
Here the letters represent the equipment units in the power plant and are also assigned using a key procedure:
- First letter: equipment unit group
- Second letter: Subdivision into a subgroup
After that there are three numbers of the equipment unit numbering, which can be followed by a letter. Here we are dealing with an additional identification of the equipment unit designation.
Breakdown level 3 / Designation block 3 of KKS: Component/signal designation
The last of the four breakdown levels / designation blocks is used to identify an item of equipment in the sense of a component. Alternatively it also identifies a signal in the equipment unit.
Using two letters (component classification) and two numbers (component numbering) it is shorter than the two previous ones.
It comprises of the following:
- First letter: equipment unit group
- Second letter: Subdivision into a subgroup
The following numbers are for numbering.
Signal designations are already defined when they are assigned.